Nokia官方为S60第三版(3rd)手机的提供了"Curse of Silence"的处理程序,s60第二版(2nd)暂无消息。根据官方网站,发布日期为2009年1月27日,即大年初二,是否算官方送上的一份略为迟到的新年心意?

    下载地址: Curse of Silence官方处理程序SMS Cleaner


    根据下面官方介绍,安装后会自动重启,程序会在重启后清理"Curse of Silence"的短信,清理后程序会被卸载并且手机会重启,即手机要重启两次;


    官方也提醒可能在短信中心存有未接收的"Curse of Silence"的短信,这些短信可能会在清理完成后重新到达手机,应对这种情况需要重新安装和运行SMS Cleaner。


   关于"Curse of Silence"短信的介绍和另外一种非官方处理方法,可以见下面文章:

   [资料]Nokia手机”Curse of Silence”漏洞的应对方法


This application can clean a Nokia S60 3rd Edition (Initial or Feature Pack 1) based device, which may have received a so called “Curse of Silence” SMS message, and thereby restricted from receiving any new SMS messages.

After you have installed the application, it will ask for execution permission. During execution, application attempts to clean received Curse of Silence-messages from your phone. After execution the application will be deinstalled and phone will be restarted.

You can download and install this application in several ways:

  • Input into your phone’s browser (where available) to access this page and download SMS Cleaner file directly to your phone and install
  • Download SMS Cleaner to your PC, transfer it to your memory card or phone memory and install the application
  • Download SMS Cleaner to your PC and use Nokia PC Suite to install the application into your phone

Please note that there may be “Curse of Silence” messages queued up in the SMS Center of your Operator Network. In this case you might need to install and run the application again.

Please refer to this Nokia product overview to identify if your product has S60 3rd Edition operating system


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9,303次阅读 | penddy on 2009-1-29 16:13 | File Under 手机 | No Comments -